Unsoft's List

Friday, April 22, 2005 at 2:47 PM

d o u b l e s t a n d a r d

Ezekiel 16:49-50 describes the sin of Sodom as "not aiding the poor and needy" and "committing an abomination," it refers to two different offenses, as the list of vices in Ezekiel 18:12 makes clear when it distinguishes these two phrases.

I'm not particularly religious or particularly homosexual. As a matter of fact, you might say I have very-little-to-no real expertise in either matter. Still, it strikes me as funny (that's funny queer, not so much funny ha-ha) that political conservatives are typically much more willing to jump up and down pointing and yelling "abomination" upon discovery of a fellow who might enjoy the occasional homosexual union, but there is no equal predisposition among them to "aid the poor and needy".

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